Custom character sheet PDFs for V5

Veröffentlicht: 03/08/2018 in English, News, RPG, V:tM, White Wolf
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Update: You can find an updated version of this sheets, and more sheets at: Custom character sheet PDFs for V5 (New and Updated!)

Given the release of Vampire: The Masquerade 5th edition Markus W. created two character sheets für V5 after he finished his review.

The character sheets are both in English and you’ll find a normal PDF as well as a formfillable one::

V5 character sheet PDF

V5 character sheet PDF (formfillable)

  1. Nebula sagt:

    great, thanks. looks far better then the sheets in the Core book

  2. Flamma sagt:

    Hello, Teylen, thank you for the sheets. There is a mistake with the non-filllable one. The mental and social category are switched.

  3. Mike sagt:

    Thanks man. I’ve been looking for a fillable sheet :D

  4. nedlimez sagt:

    I was about to try making my own fillable sheet until I found this. Thank for for your efforts!

  5. Anonymous sagt:

    Would it be possible to upload the MS Word file too? I am trying to create a non-english version, which is a nightmare using only a pdf editor. Thanks!

    • Teylen sagt:

      Sorry, but that isn’t a possibility

      • Fernando Tetsuo Miyahira sagt:

        Great work, man! But, in the Disciplines, there could be options to disciplines like Lasombra’s Oblivion, or make it like the Clan form, we should be able to write what we want. Keep up the good job!

        • Teylen sagt:

          The designer of the character sheets is currently working on a new version, which will include the Banu Haqim, The Ministry and Lasombra.

  6. […] Karta Postaci Edytowalna (Wersja Angielska) Opracowane przez Markus W., opublikowane przez Teylen’s RPG Corner […]

  7. […] you are looking for the first version of this character sheets, you can check my previous article on the […]

  8. When I save the filled form to PC it loses all the filled data. Any idea on how to preserve it other than printing it?

    • Teylen sagt:

      You need to have downloaded them to disc and open them with a PDF program.
      Then, maybe to make sure, chose „save as“, after having it filled out.

  9. […] you’re playing V5 like I suggested, you can use a sheet like this character sheet. For other editions, finding a character sheet is often as simple as searching online for something […]

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