Mit ‘V:tM’ getaggte Beiträge

Update 13.01.2023: The tool wasn’t working because of some sloppy php code that made the script fail as the server became more strict. It is working again. I will update the zip file in a new post.
I played V5 online in four games via G+ Hangouts and noticed the lack of a dice roller. We made due with the roller that comes with the chat, which did work.

Yet it did motivate me to dust of my old dice roller and create a version that applies the new V5 rules:

V5 dice roller: Zip-File „“
V5 dice roller demo:

V5 Dice Tool – Entry Form

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Those who interacted with me, or followed my activities, might have noticed that my favorite Vampire Clan in Vampire: The Masquerade is Clan Giovanni. Which is indeed my favorite Clan by far.

Giovanni Clanroman Cover-Ausschnit

While I don’t examine all the things I favor in regards of why I do like them, I did contemplate my inclination towards the Giovanni as well as examined my perspective.

There might be several reasons why I did that.
The fact that I did receive the question „Why did you, and how could you, chose this Clan as your favorite?“ several times in various version. The aspect that people will highlight a negativ viewpoints of the Clan; which might draw or invite the conclusion that it is immoral to chose it as ones favorite. The personal aspect that I do enjoy pondering my favorites, which most recently expressed itself by the fact that I remembered the 4th of April better than I did the (German, Roman Catholic) customs regarding Easter Monday.

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Mit dieser kleinen Serie mag ich meine Gedanken zu verschiedenen V:tM Clans und Musik teilen. Als erster Clan erwischt es hierbei die Malkavianer.

Clan Symbol der Malkavianer

Clan der Malkavianer

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Seit gestern, Mittwoch den 06.09., kann man den V5 Alpha Playtest auf kostenlos als PDF herunterladen.

Hierbei gibt es einmal die V5 Alpha Playtest Regeln (45 Seiten), vorgefertigte Spieler Charaktere (6 Stück, mit jeweils zwei Seiten Hintergrund und einem Charakterblatt) sowie dem Szenario „Rusted Veins (28 + 2 Seiten) neben der Bitte Feedback zu geben.

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Deciding to run the V5 PreAlpha scenario at the FeenCon convention called for a more extensive preparation of game materials.

With this article I’d like to display what I did and explain my thought process. It would usually be included in the actual play reports to come, yet I find it a bit to extensive.

Convention material for running the V5 scenario

My convention material for running the V5 scenario

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I had several runs of the V5 Pre-Alpha planned for, and promised to, various groups or people.  Thus, after the first one completed, I started organizing the next one on the German tabletop RPG Forum Nerdpol. Which eventually happened on 20th of July.

This article will describe how the game went, which challenges we encountered, as well as my thoughts regarding the scenario and rules. It is the second of a series of four actual plays. I will try my best to recall the game correctly, though I didn’t took notes during the game and things might get mixed up.

I will express my comment, thoughts, thoughts of players in block quotes.
You will experience spoilers in regards of the scenario „The Last Night“. Specially if you are a player of mine, planning to play in another run.

Printed V5 Pre-Alpha Documents (Rules + Scenrio)

My two V5 Pre-Alpha books

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Within less than a week of its release I organized a group to play the V5 PlayTest scenario „The Last Night“ on the 10th of June via Google Hangout.

The article will describe how the game went, which challenges we encountered, as well as my thoughts regarding the scenario and rules. It is the first of a series of four actual plays. I will try my best to recall the game correctly, though I would point out that it is about a month and a half in the past.

I will express my comment, thoughts, thoughts of players in block quotes.
You will experience spoilers in regards of the scenario „The Last Night“. Specially if you are a player of mine, planning to play in another run.


My two V5 Pre-Alpha Playtest books

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I have had a first run of the V5 Playtest a few weeks ago. During the playtest I noticed that the character backgrounds as written, even though I already made a few alterations, did offer some some challenges.

In consequence I decided to give the characters a bigger overhaul for the next playtest. I would like to share my documents and do would be happy to receive comments or remarks.

For the playtest itself, please go to and download it at their blog:
V5 pre-alpha: The curtain rises!.
If you run the playtest, please give them feedback. If you did alterations, like using the characters as I changed it, please mention it as the standard assumption will be that you ran it as written.

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Das neue »Mind’s Eye Theatre: Vampire The Masquerade«-Grundregelwerk hat mich überzeugt, nachdem ich es nicht nur gelesen, sondern in Las Vegas ausprobiert habe. Das gilt sowohl für die Gestaltung als auch die Entwicklung des Settings, das Design und die Ausarbeitung der Regeln.

Wenn ich anderen davon erzähle, stoße ich aber oft auf harte Ablehnung:

Man verwendet doch Schere, Stein, Papier als Resolutionsmechanik? Das kann nichts sein!
Ein so kindisches Spiel in einem Horror RPG als Resolutionsmechanik? Das kannst du nicht ernst meinen!
Sowohl keine als auch jede andere Resolutionsmechanik eignet sich besser als Schere, Stein, Papier!

Dem möchte ich zwei Verteidigungen entgegen halten:
Einerseits: Schere, Stein, Papier ist mitnichten ein reines Kinderspiel.
Andererseits: Anregungen wie man es variieren kann sowie stilvoller, über Handgesten hinaus, einbringen kann.

Schere, Stein, Papier Wikipedia

Schere, Stein, Papier

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Dieses Jahr zog es mich, wie schon einige Jahre zuvor, erneut zur RPC (Roleplay Convention) nach Köln. Dabei gab es für mich eine große Neuerung: Bisher reiste ich nur als Besucher an oder half auf kleinen Ständen (wie der Indie-Insel) aus. Diesmal war ich als offizielle Supporterin für Ulisses Spiele dabei, um Einführungsrunden für die Jubiläumsausgabe zum zwanzigjährigen Bestehen von Vampire: Die Maskerade zu geben.

Es führte zu einem etwas anderem Erleben der Messe, von dem ich hiermit einmal berichten mag.
RPC Logo (mehr …)